How Do You Know if Lettuce Is Contaminated With Salmonella

The Public Health Agency of Canada is once over again telling Canadians not to eat romaine lettuce in Ontario and Quebec, and now New Brunswick. Health officials in the U.S. and believe the outbreak tin exist traced back to California.

The Public Wellness Agency of Canada is advising people in Ontario and Quebec not to eat romaine lettuce after an outbreak of E. coli. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The U.South. Nutrient and Drug Assistants believes it has traced the source of the latest Eastward. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce. It says based on shipping records and invoices, the lettuce appears to accept come from California — specifically the Central Coast growing regions of northern and key California

Before this month, the Public Wellness Bureau of Canada advised Canadians in Ontario, Quebec and now New Brunswick non to swallow romaine lettuce while the investigation was underway.

This was the third outbreak in Due north America suspected to be linked to romaine in the past year. Co-ordinate to the Microbiology Society, 20 to 30 per cent of outbreaks of East. coli poisoning are caused by people eating contaminated vegetables. Lettuce and other leafy greens are frequently the culprits. Here'southward why:

How information technology's grown

Lettuce needs a lot of irrigation water during cultivation. And sometimes the root of the trouble is as simple equally cross-contagion on the farm where it's being grown.

"You can get contagion from creature production facilities, information technology gets into the sediment, it gets into the water, which gets irrigated onto the crops, which are so harvested inside 40 to 80 days," says Keith Warriner, a microbiologist specializing in food prophylactic at the Academy of Guelph.

The way lettuce is grown contributes to its susceptibility to contamination. (Ted S. Warren/Associated Printing)

The bacteria tin too come from birds flying overhead or other wildlife walking through fields. And, brusque of moving all production into greenhouses, it's just very difficult to avoid that kind of contagion. It's equally hard to pinpoint the source.

"By the time public health officials are notified, people accept been sickened for a long time," said Lawrence Goodridge, professor of nutrient safe at McGill University." And he said, since the shelf life of lettuce is quite short — virtually five weeks — it may not fifty-fifty exist in apportionment any longer.

Raw versus cooked

But it'southward not merely lettuce and leafy greens. There is currently a salmonella outbreak in western Canada linked to cucumbers. What do these all have in common? Consider this: when was the concluding time you cooked your lettuce or cucumbers?

That's another bones reason why people more often get ill from eating contaminated lettuce and other salad greens. Dissimilar many other vegetables, they are rarely cooked before being consumed. Cooking kills East. coli O157 and other bacteria. So other vegetables may be getting contaminated but as lettuce is, but because the vegetables are mostly existence cooked, there is no widespread outbreak of illness.

What well-nigh washing?

Washing the produce at home is non a reliable mode to remove bacteria.

"The bacteria can be stuck on the surface of the lettuce, it can even get inside the lettuce," Goodridge says. "And so if you lot launder it, you might remove some of the bacteria, just you lot're not removing 100 per cent. And we know in some cases, when we expect at historical outbreaks of Eastward. coli, even ingesting one unmarried bacterial cell was enough to crusade affliction."

What nearly pre-done packaged lettuce?

If you tend to reach for the convenience of pre-washed, pre-cutting greens, you've probably seen on the packaging that it says they've been double- or even triple-done. But Goodridge says, again, when it comes to E. coli, that means nothing.

"It's washed to remove dirt, and chlorinated water is used, just really, that doesn't do much. In fact, studies have shown information technology tends to spread the contamination around." And what's worse, he suggests, when the lettuce is cut in the processing plant, the leaf releases sugars that the bacteria similar to grow on. So the bacteria tin can multiply fifty-fifty faster.

Consider, too, he says, that to get to that bag or box, the lettuce has gone through a lot of hands and a lot of machinery, all of which could be harbouring leaner, also.

A microscopic image shows colonies of E. coli leaner grown on an agar plate. (U.Southward. Centers for Disease Control via Reuters)

Why is lettuce contamination and then hard to prevent?

It's a question being asked by many scientists.

"Those of usa who work in this area, we accept much work to do to try to figure out why this evidently seems to go along happening," Goodridge says. "Is at that place something specific about romaine lettuce that perhaps now suddenly in the past year has elevated it, or is information technology just a coincidence?"

At the University of Guelph, there may exist the beginnings of some answers to that.

'We've really got some current research going on here that suggests, of all the unlike lettuce types, E. coli O157 likes romaine lettuce," Warriner says, "peculiarly if it is breaking out of its dormant state. So in that location is an association with leafy greens and E. coli O157. People suggest it's a pathogen-vegetable interaction going on, where they're actually adapted to living on lettuce."

Minus whatsoever conclusive findings, though, both scientists concur information technology's not worth the run a risk to swallow romaine lettuce correct now. If you have it, they say, throw information technology out. And don't buy whatsoever or order it in a restaurant for the time beingness.

The National's health panel talked most the latest lettuce contamination this week:

The National's health panel talks lettuce

If you fear your lettuce might be contaminated with Due east. coli, there is no point in trying to launder the bacteria abroad - just throw it out, say the doctors on the National's heath panel. And then clean your fridge. ii:44


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